The Hassle of Hair
The Hassle of Hair
Sam Romero: Resilience, Faith, and Martial Arts
Get ready for an episode that's guaranteed to stir your emotions and ignite your spirit. Today, we're joined by Sam Romero, an MMA fighter with an extraordinary story of resilience and determination. After surviving a fall of over 50 feet from an overpass, Sam shares his excruciating journey from the brink of death and his relentless pursuit of recovery. His narrative is far more than a tale of survival; it's about turning adversity into an opportunity, redefining purpose, and rekindling passion for MMA and boxing.
In the face of physical and emotional trauma, Sam's story is a testament to the power of resilience. Sam takes us along his journey back to health, detailing his arduous path to recovering from spinal fusion surgery, heart and brain stints. More than just his physical journey, Sam talks about the mental battles, the rebuilding of confidence and motivation, and the unwavering determination to get back into the ring. This isn't just another comeback story; it's about one man's indomitable spirit to conquer his circumstances and rise again, stronger and more determined.
As our conversation with Sam unfolds, we also examine his passion for mentoring through martial arts, and how he translates his experiences into valuable lessons for his students. Sam's story brings to light the importance of staying focused, even when the stakes are high, and how the art of fighting can serve as a metaphor for overcoming life's challenges. His tale of overcoming adversity and finding purpose through it all is truly inspiring. So, tune in and let Sam's extraordinary comeback story inspire, uplift and motivate you. Don't miss this incredible journey of resilience, faith, and the unyielding drive to keep fighting.
Today's guest is Sam Romero. Sam is a professional fighter who one night had a terrible accident.
Speaker 2:A local MMA fighter and martial arts instructor, is on a slow road to recovery after falling more than 50 feet from an overpass into the Guadalupe River.
Speaker 2:San Jose police believe Romero fell dozens of feet from Highway 87. How he got there in the first place is now under investigation by the California Highway Patrol. When I first woke up, it was just doctors talking to me and then my mom would come in and people were just visiting me. I didn't really like understand what happened. And then someone was like saying like, oh, you were found on the river this, that, and that's when, like dude, like news people were coming to talk to me. I don't really remember much after like because, like dude, they had me on this thing. It was a bun, it looked like a little nuke bun, but have I pressed it, bro? it was like it was some strong and I do it.
Speaker 2:I was like you know, because I had like severe nerve damage. My brain was just bladdered, like you know. So like I had that, but I don't really much remember much after that, but I remember that transferred me to a different hospital He went out to downtown San Jose and to have a good time ends up.
Speaker 1:He wakes up the next day in the Guadalupe River, passed her by on a trail right by the river, had found him unconscious, basically dead, right left for dead and and he he ended up having surgery on his back, numerous injuries, he has plates in his back and still to this day. And first of all, heard of a story through my friend Diego. He had told me about this guy that had had been pushed off and and I wanted to interview him. So I did. I had him on the show, i had him over my house, we, i interviewed him and crazy story, right like he. If you go back to that episode you could hear his story. But it's an insane story, just for him just to be alive, right, and you could tell he was dealing with with a lot. When he came over, when he did that interview, you could tell he was dealing with a lot like he was still dealing with his injuries and trying to get his life back right. And and so we we ended with him having goals on the interview. We ended with him having goals of of doing boxing one day, of training, like full-time training and and to do commentary and just to have his life back and and so since then I've been following him on Instagram and and you could just see like he posts on Instagram, his training and, and it wasn't like what stood out was just how you could see him losing weight, right, he, you could tell he was just losing weight, which is an indicator of that. He's working hard, right. And and then I saw him at the bar, right, so I was, i was bouncing at five points in San Jose and I he came in and and I see him at the bar and it was like a totally different person, right, totally different person. Came up to me, gave me a hug and it was like night and day from when I first met him, when he came to do the interview, and I was like I need to interview him again because what he's done is is, he's changed his whole life around. Like he's done what he said he was gonna do at that, at that podcast. He's a totally different person, smiling, and so I reached out to him and now, like this episode about him, right, about his, his, his comeback, and he's he.
Speaker 1:For me, this story is is. It's exactly why I love doing this podcast, because it shows that people could go through how the your your closest friends, your closest people. Sometimes they're, they leave you, sometimes they you're all alone, right, and and you can come back from that right. It shows that life it's not, it's not all awesome, because on social media, that's all you see, right, on social media, all you see is the best parts of everybody's day, right, and that's not how life is. Life is full of ups and downs. It's a roller coaster, and the stories I love is when people hit super lows and they come back from that. That's what I love. That's that's what I love about movies. That's what I love about fighters. That's what I love about stories. Books like those are the things I love is when people hit the bottom and they come back from it, and that's what Sam's doing. He's not even. He's not even at the top, but he's not at the bottom anymore and it's. I can't thank him enough for letting me highlight his story and show his story to the people that that follow me and the people that listen. So enjoy the episode with Sam, guys. I'm gonna keep on trying to get his story out there and I love you guys. Thank you for listening before we get into the episode.
Speaker 1:Please go ahead and subscribe like if you're new to the hassle of hair. The hassle of hair is about me and my wife. We're we're trying to do this entrepreneur thing. We're trying to just live a life where we have free will, we're, we're our own boss, we do what we love and you know, we're trying to figure it out. We don't have it figured out. We're trying to figure it out, you know, and I want to find other people doing the same and trying to live a life that's worth something. Right and you're honestly, the only way I'm able to do this is through our photo booth. It's we're actually going from cows. We're changing the name from cows photo booth, the parasem siempre. I need how to, i need to learn how to say that if I'm gonna, if I'm gonna promote it, right, it means forever in Spanish, so it's the parasem pre photo booth, the forever photo booth. I'll have the links down there.
Speaker 1:If you guys have, if you guys have an event, a wedding, a quinceanera, a grand opening for your business, a birthday party, any kind of event and you guys need to capture the memories of the photo booth and have pictures where we have printed out pictures available. Once they take the pictures at the photo booth, you'll get the the printouts right away and within seconds of taking the picture and you also get the digital copies through a text message. If you guys are interested in having a photo booth at your event, reach out to us at the hassle of hair. You can reach out to me, jesse the hassle Diaz, on Instagram. You can reach out to my wife on Raquel Diaz designs and slowly but surely we're gonna transition into calling it parasem pre. But if you guys do need a photo booth, reach out to us, guys that supports the podcast and get stories out there. I think that's it. Yeah, i think that's it. I love you guys. Enjoy the episode, guys. Peace A daily thing.
Speaker 2:To be honest, right now I'm at Apple, so I start. I have to be at the place at 5 am, so I'm up at like 3.30, 3 o'clock in the morning, sometimes maybe 4, sometimes, you know. But I try to get up really early and then from there I'll make my way to Apple, which is in Cupertino, Work for X amount of hours, get off, work. I have like a little bit of time after just to kind of chill and all that. But usually I try to hit up city sports, sit in the sauna, sauna's key, i swear. Especially sometimes doing stuff. It's kind of hard for me. Like my body feels cold, like maybe I feel warm but internally I feel really cold. So hit the sauna usually after that And then from there I come to here to Claudio's and teach. I'm here Tuesday, thursday, so it just kind of depends the day, but usually come here to Claudio's teach, teach my kids class 430 and then my adult class 530, and then get some training in too.
Speaker 1:Is that a Monday through Saturday?
Speaker 2:Training wise for myself Monday through Saturday. Teaching wise I teach Tuesday, thursdays and Fridays, so kind of mixing it up a little bit. But I'm also kind of just slowly making my way back too. I just started rolling again, so just kind of slowly just taking it, taking it easy on myself. Well, trying to take it easy, i get a little too excited.
Speaker 1:So, if people don't know, i last talked to you. You had an incident where you're a professional fighter, you're fighting for Balator, and you had an incident where you went out after a fight and the next day you wake up and basically is the Guadalupe Yeah 87, guadalupe, yeah someone had thrown you off the 87. And the last time I talked to you you were if, like, i'm not trying to put you down or anything, but the last time I talked to you you're in, like it just seemed like you were in a bad place.
Speaker 1:And now looking at you now it's like holy shit. It's like a whole one day bro.
Speaker 2:Nah, nah, nah, nah. To be honest, i yeah, nah, i mean I'm not down at all, i wasn't in a bad place for sure. I mean like I was still doing stuff and going out and like trying to be the same person again, but I was still fighting, like mentally fighting, like what happened to me. You know, like I felt good at the time. I'm all, i'm doing this, i'm doing that, but at the end of the day I go home and I'm just fighting my own self, you know. And also there's some other personal stuff that I've dealt with in my, my personal life too, that maybe had some some stuff to do with that. But yeah, man, like last time you seen me, i was a little, i was a huge man, i was falling off like What was the what was the switch?
Speaker 1:Like what, what was the switch in you that that happened?
Speaker 2:To be honest, it just was tired of feeling, like, i guess, sorry for myself in a way. You know, i always like had like a, all these sensors on myself, like limits, like oh, you can't do this to it because you're hurt, like you know. And I see, like you know, people have gone through kind of what I've gone through maybe an injury or something, and they kind of stay there And I'm like I got injured when I was 23. I just turned 27,. But in between that time, like I never wanted to be that person, like damn it. Yeah, i was 20 years old and I got hurt.
Speaker 2:So you know, and I feel like people use that as an excuse. I kind of use that as my drive, like every day, coming to the gym or even just going to work. Like I mean, it's hard to get to work at five am in the morning when you're like broken right, so okay, i wake up in the morning and think about my fighting. Obviously, the one thing I think about is my daughter, so that can't be driven to. You know, i'm having my kid on my mind all the time. So I guess that I mean like after that kind of just flipped my switch and I never. I never really stopped And I wouldn't go super hard. I would take it nice and slow, like listen to my body. Before I kind of went out. I was fighting, I would like I would recover, but I wasn't recovering. I was like going out hanging out friends partying, you know I was recovering, you know.
Speaker 1:Yeah. You're trying to mentally recover, yeah, and now I feel like I'm listening.
Speaker 2:You know I have good coaches around me my coach Eric, coach Andy Nate, these guys kind of like you know, they say little things to me that like that, stick with me. So that kind of helped me a lot. Like the times I'm in my dark spot I'm like I'm almost closing my eyes like a movie. Oh, coach, i hear my coach or something you know, and that kind of kept me like driven, because there's times like, dude, i won't like I mean it's not easy every day, right.
Speaker 1:I mean.
Speaker 2:I still. I'm right now. I've had a tough day, you know, but I'm here.
Speaker 1:And how you had back surgery. Yeah, was it neck surgery or was it?
Speaker 2:No, i had a spinal fusion. I had spinal fusion done I don't know the exact numbers like L5 and lower than that, my hips, and then I had like a stint in my heart and then brain swelling. A whole bunch of other stuff claps long. There's like a whole list of things. But yeah, after a while I just I don't know, i just obviously after the thing I dealt with that not much so much like the internal stuff, like the swelling and all that that was like that got better over time. But like the back can always like put me down, like I feel good for a couple of days and then I'm out for like four days like damn, what am I doing wrong? So I kind of find this like sweet formula. You know, like, okay, don't go out there super crazy, just ease into things, like even if it's just like simple as shadow boxing or simple as like maybe just not even shadow boxing and watching a tape or something like little stuff like that.
Speaker 2:And then, by day, by day. I was like I felt pretty good and you know.
Speaker 1:And what's what's limited you Like, what are things that you you've noticed in your, in your training, that that your, your injury still affects you?
Speaker 2:Um, i mean, I guess nothing. I mean obviously my back right I can't turn a certain way, other than that. But I mean I feel like I can still can do stuff. That's why I feel like I'm like whoa, like what's. Obviously I was injured, but what happened to me? I asked myself that like I can still move, i can still dip, i can still dodge, i can still step takedowns, i can grapple, i pay like a lot of respect to my, my, my, my chiropractor.
Speaker 2:His name's Howie, he trains here actually too, and he kind of took me under his wing and he's just operating on me. First session was cool. Second session wow, i feel pretty good. Third, fourth, after all these sessions I was like I almost felt like a relief.
Speaker 2:It's kind of hard to explain Like I felt like a relief in my upper back, like I'm like because before it kind of I feel like a chicken wing sitting down, like fuck, my ass hurts, you know, but I was able to go out there and I'm like, let me see if I can grapple, cause I felt like I almost had a relief in my body, like I can breathe a little better, just like him cracking my back and him doing all that. So then I was like I started grappling. There's like a video of it. That was like literally that my coach, eric, was right here, he had the phone and he he took it out, and that's when I just started grappling I was like, are you seeing this? Like you know it was, it was tripping me out, cause I'm like I hadn't done that in four years, to be honest four years.
Speaker 1:And when you're coming back and you're starting training again was were there a lot of days like that where you're like, holy shit, this is back. Holy shit, this is back.
Speaker 2:For sure, for sure. I mean obviously the feeling still hurts and still stays with me, but like even just my movement I'll like maybe I feel super stiff, like shadow boxing or warm up, but when I hit me it's her. When I like lights bar, i feel like, wow, i feel so different. And then I coached and I was like after every fight you're going to feel different and different And I kind of believed it then. But now I'm like I had. I had fights, pro fights, all that right by the biggest fight coming back to life, right, so that my whole mentality is different, like obviously mentally, like when I'm living life. But in the gym training I'm like, damn, i remember this or I can see this. I got almost like a step ahead of some people sometimes.
Speaker 1:Thinking, going back to when you were. You were, I guess, before you started training again and you you said kind of like in a bad place. Yeah, How was it different from how you talk to yourself when you're, when you, when you get home and you lay the head on the bed, on the pillow? What's different about how you talk about to yourself at night, Like, do you, how did you talk to yourself when you were in a bad place and how do you talk to yourself now?
Speaker 2:I feel like before, like I had like uh, almost like a lot of alcohol involved Like I don't even drink like that, to be honest. But I was like dude, i was pounding bottles, like drinking bottles, like just to feel some sort of something right, and it's like almost like I felt like I was split in half. So I was just pounding balls and thinking about my fights and like kind of feeling sorry for myself, like maybe putting myself down a little bit, like look at you, you're different bro. Or like maybe I post something, i've deleted it. I'm like, nah, nobody cares.
Speaker 2:Like you know shit like that, like literally shit like that, and I'm like, but now it's like, uh, i kind of still have those same feelings And I thought like they're gone. I just feel like I'm better about controlling it. Like now I'm just nicer to myself. I feel like, let me look in the mirror. damn, you look good bro. We're like you know little stuff like that, i don't know. just being nicer to myself and being back in the gym too, Like there's days where I don't feel like anything. but I walked that door and these, these kids and these coaches, they say even just like something small to me And I'm like I carry that with me. So I'm like, damn, you know, it's like these people think of me as something like big right, so I have to go home and I think about that. I'm like, damn, like these. you know, of course, feel sorry for yourself. It's okay for a second, but at the end of the day, people are looking up to you, bro, you gotta like.
Speaker 2:you know, it's almost like a superpower, almost right, it's like damn bro, I gotta do this And I've all the people like, yeah, like everyone makes you feel good with my daughter thinks of me that way too, you know. So it's like, that's like, that's like okay, no matter what amount of pain or like how I feel, sorry I feel for myself, i'm still gonna like, you know, it's gotta be a dad, bro.
Speaker 1:This isn't crazy how the mind is. Like you foul from a freeway, you're a professional fighter. Before that, you're coming back from injuries, yeah, and you still don't cut yourself from slack.
Speaker 2:Yeah, like you're like, you're like what are you doing with your life?
Speaker 2:I was like dude, you just fell from a freeway and that's all mine's crazy man that's how I always been to like Just like my coach is coming up, like maybe I got in trouble in school, all that. But they were like hard on me, like that. They're like almost like a tough love situation. You know, and I've had people like that too, like my friend Todd love you, todd, bro, todd Deffie He was like really hard on me, like I didn't want to think about fighting I mentioned this before.
Speaker 2:I didn't want to think about fighting, i don't want to do any of that. But he like reached out to me and like connected and we've always connected before, but You know much like woke me up, like damn, like I have something, i'm something special, you know. So I can't feel too sorry for myself and he was really hard on me and that. But that made me strong, like it made me who I am today because, like You know, certain situations that I feel sorry for myself and he'd be buckled down on me, and that made me like, over time, after all these months passing by, i felt better and better, you know. So even now I feel I feel good man, i feel like I'm some of my students here.
Speaker 2:I give them tough love. Now It's like okay, i was this. You know I had this given to me, so I'm gonna give it to my students now too, but I feel like that, that kind of makes you in a way. Like you know, obviously, my friends taught me that my coach is coming out football. Like you know, i feel like I have a little tough love. You don't have a little tough love and I don't know, can't, can't, really can't, really explain to you.
Speaker 1:Yeah, the the best parents, the best teachers, the best coaches they, they teach her parent from experience. Yeah and the more experience you have, the better you're gonna be at teaching or coaching people, right Yeah? And then for sure your experience is good enough to teach other people about stuff. Right, you coming back and it's awesome, like the last time I talked to you, you're saying that you, you, wanted to box.
Speaker 1:Yeah, so what are you? You were just like okay, I just want to buy. This is what you said. I want to box and I want to commentate. So, now that your body's getting better, you're way more shape. What do you? what are your plans now? What are your goals now?
Speaker 2:So now I mean, i guess my goal is the same. I obviously still want a box. I want a box, i want to commentate, i want to do all that stuff, but I feel like I'm kind of easy my way in there. I feel good, bro, i feel like grappling wise, i feel good, striking wise, i feel good. I mean, maybe I'm a little chubby, right, but you know, but I can, i can lose the weight. My goal is to obviously get back in the cage or something.
Speaker 2:Fight, that's my main goal. I have a good management team with me Genesis Sports Management. These guys took me under their wing When I was nothing, you know, everyone gave up on me. So like not everybody, but like people gave up on me, They didn't believe in me. Like this guy was injured. It was a fight again. Okay, whatever, it's like. No, it's like They seen how I am in training session, they see how I am like when I talked to others. So like they see that driving me and that that gives me a lot, that makes me want to, like you know, get back in there. So I have this good team with me. They're helping me a lot. I don't have nothing set in stone yet, but I feel like my goal and what we're working on is trying to just come back to the game, you know.
Speaker 1:Yeah, so MMA is still in the yeah, mma boxing all of it, because the last time you like, mma was even. Yeah like my back. I was like I think I'm gonna stick to boxing.
Speaker 2:Yeah, see, i had the little sensors on myself like, oh bro, you're injured, it's chill.
Speaker 2:Yeah but after going to the chiropractor and obviously the diet played a big part in it too I feel like before I was fat I was kind of like humping over. I still eat my good food, Like the diet played a key part in it because I feel like it really a lot of stress in my spine. I'm able to sit up a little taller, even just like working out. Why is my cardio is different? I last longer. But yeah man, I just feel like I'm just ready to come back.
Speaker 1:So, so, other than the gym. So what do you do for a career like outside the gym? How do you? how do you pay the bills?
Speaker 2:I work at Apple. So I work at Apple corporate. Just security there. Nice, come see me there, come see, check me out. No, i did nothing like that, it's just a. It's a easy job, security at Apple and Pretty much that I go there. I had trained a few clients here and there and then I teach here as well, so Kind of staying afloat right now, you know, but I hope, hoping you know this, this fighting stuff kicks off And if it never does, it never does, it's all good. You know, i live, i lived a good life. I have a beautiful daughter of beautiful teammates, my friend, my family. But I feel like I'm driven, you know. So, like imagine what? have one chance, if I get one chance, that's all, that's, that's all I need, you know and how.
Speaker 1:How has it changed your working at Apple and Your drive to do personals and stuff? How has that changed since you've? you've started training again.
Speaker 2:It's changed a lot. Even the people at work They see me like bro. He looks so different. I wish I had my badge on me, but you can see my bad Look. I'm like swollen.
Speaker 1:I'm like this is from November 2021.
Speaker 2:It looks so different. But even now, and sometimes I forget, like you know, i'm forget. I'm like doing this fighting thing or whatever. I'm at work, just just I work and people are like bro, you look so different, we're like, and they say something to me. I'm like damn like things, man like trust me out.
Speaker 2:So I'm like I don't think, like you know, like bro and like, as I told these people that I was in a fight, i'm a fighter, but at the first time you look at me, i go into Apple. I don't. I may look like a fighter, we're not really right. I'm this big old dude. but now they see me, you know, i walk into work, my chest is tall, i'm feeling good and then like I feel that energy coming from everybody else, even my managers.
Speaker 2:Marvin, i love you, marvin, cool guy, you know, but like, yeah, like my managers like they talk to me that way and like they make me feel good about myself because, like I said, some days I don't feel like the best. So be not worked that. Like that. I get that motivation here at the gym and then I get it there at work, and then I get it when I'm you know, sometimes when I'm out, like at home or something. So like having all these people around me that believe in me, i gotta, you know, i take that really like. I take it really to heart.
Speaker 1:So and you talked a little bit about standing with your chest tall. Yeah, how did have you practice your confidence, like, is it something that you drill, is it something that that you've learned over time, or is there any tips or anything like because of confidence is huge, yeah.
Speaker 2:I'm sure so.
Speaker 1:I've cornered, i've, i've fought like, and Just from cornering like caught, like if your fighter walks out there With no confidence.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah, that's an issue.
Speaker 1:Oh yeah, you could be the most talented fighter in the world, if you like. If you're just like, oh fuck, do this. Yeah, you know, if you're not there that day, yeah.
Speaker 2:Funny. You say that because one time, as my my lap made my last amateur part Yeah, my last. The time I want to belt might say the name, but I pretty much like fought this dude right And this, this, this. His coach comes up to me and hugged me like I'm about to fight this.
Speaker 2:I'm gonna fight your boy and you know it's all love, i loved it right, but it's just crazy because I can see almost in that fighters. I was like Like, like you know, this coach is saying like what's up to my the guy about it? There's a go for the belt against right.
Speaker 2:Yeah, but that's what I knew. I had this, i could read him. I'm okay, i'm gonna knock this fool out and I end up knocking him out 52 seconds. Wish I had a little longer in there by knocked him out. But that's funny. You say that because I seen that and other people are right like I'm, like damn.
Speaker 1:So how'd you, how'd you find your kind of like? is there things that you practice to keep that confidence?
Speaker 2:Yeah, just obviously like fighting training. I watch a lot of videos. I watch a lot of, you know, just like random motivational videos. Jorge Mazvidal, i look up to that guy.
Speaker 1:So what do you watch? Do you watch?
Speaker 2:I don't know. I was typing honestly like Jorge Mazvidal motivation, or I'll watch like maybe some old fight or something, just a little stuff like that. I mean I can't really say I'm like a nerd. I watch like spider-man movies. I love spider-man.
Speaker 2:Yeah just even stuff like that. Like I'm like damn, spidey's cool. You know, i think of my fighting almost like a superpower, like I was injured, i was broken, but you look at me now. Maybe this dude that made people like, oh, the two know how to fight, but it's like a superpower. Most I have the switch, I can do it.
Speaker 2:I'm pretty, like you know, i cocky or anything, but like when I'm in the gym I'm different. I'm so different. Even all the things I've been through I'm different and I feel different and I'm like damn, like I'm a professional. I'm not, no, like a little amateur guy, i'm professional. You know, i had that and you have to be like that. You know, can't walk around like, oh, i fought a little bit and I kind of was that way before. I was humble, but I'm humble in the sense of, like you know, be humble, right, but I'm good man. You know that's not want to get back out there and showcase my skills, even after all this injury, like to be back out there and do something like that. Like you know, who knows what I do, but who knows, you know, i might go out there and like, yeah, i just I can't say much now I go out there and I go.
Speaker 2:Yeah, i'm getting too excited here, but it's, it's it's.
Speaker 1:It's interesting just hearing you talk, because when I, when I first interviewed you and we did at my house and stuff and you were, it was a lot of I don't know. It was like you were, like talking to you was like you're fighting yourself. Now It's talking to you. Now It's like you're for certain on things. You know that's huge. Yeah that's awesome man.
Speaker 2:And, just like I said, man, it's the confidence, like yeah, it says you versus you at the end of the day, almost right. There's some days where I'm like dude, like this morning I was having a rough day, but kind of have some listen to music, put some sad songs on, you know Nah, but like you have that confidence, you have the confidence you feel good about yourself, you're gonna, you're gonna have a better day, i guess. Right, that's kind of what I my mentality is like Obviously feel sad for yourself. I give myself 20 minutes, 30 minutes, feel sorry, you know. And then I think about my daughter. I think about like stuff like that. Almost like the confidence comes to You have your why, my why is my daughter and my family right? So, like other people, they're going through something like have your confidence, be that like what is your why? what drives you, and then use that I just don't know just to be confident about it.
Speaker 2:You know my baby, like my daughter. So I I feel like just thinking about that and thinking about what I can be, like I can, i know I can be. So it's a great fighter, there's a great person. So, thinking about what I can be, i walk around like my, my head high, and I've been through, like you know, i'm only 27 but I've had some wars.
Speaker 2:You know, i've been in some fights. I've had a lot of kickboxing fights. If I do jitsu tournaments, i've had X amount of pro fights, amateur fights have a belt. You know, maybe you know some things gonna go my way in some fights, but I've never been counted out. I'm there, all my fights are exciting. I've. You know, i'm a good, i'm a good guy, i'm a good person, i'm very driven. So that's why I'm excited to kind of see this, this second version of Sam, because, like you said, i was questioning myself before I was in like a dark fucking hole bro. Like, straight up, i was, i was dark man. But this new version of me is so different and like, as my daughter's getting older, that like that, only like That only motivates me more, you know yeah like I got my, my, my windows closing.
Speaker 2:You know, you know 27 I know, but I just want to get back out there, man. I I feel like just yeah, just want to get back out there, brother, like motivation.
Speaker 1:Motivation is one thing, but like what's your routine, like what are the things that you stick to, like every day.
Speaker 2:For me, like I said, i mean those motivational videos, all that. I kind of have a notebook. Maybe some days I don't write a name about, right, like to myself, like goals to myself. Joey Diaz says that you know, like I'll write little goals like that and sometimes I'm beyond some days I don't even. I forget I have the notebook but I'll write when I get a chance And I'll write to myself. Or maybe I write to my daughter because if maybe something happens like the injury kind of makes me Scared a little bit, you know, maybe one day I don't wake up or something, i don't know. It's kind of weird to think like that. But I like write stuff to my daughter or like, maybe stuff that has happened Throughout the week or how I feel in that moment. There's times are like almost like dude, like I feel like like I'm trying to explode but I can't express myself. So being able to write stuff out it kind of gives you a different, different outlook on stuff. Yeah, put on the paper, shed a few tears in the paper. You know.
Speaker 2:And then, get in and just put it away and go about your day. Plays in video games, play little, you'll see, for you know Healthy habits.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah, yeah that's a healthy habit. Like you talked about it. He said like that, you're The. You might not wake up the next day. Yeah, like you, you've had a Life-altern experience. Yeah near-death experience like does that? does that go into any play of like how you like, i look at Life different? I had the same thing, got an axiom my mom. Yeah like ever since then. I was like a. I think differently from other people About how life is like. What are your thoughts on like on life?
Speaker 2:That's To be honest. I see, like people like my age like passing away or like you know recipes everyone that I've you know That has passed away and all that but I see that happen to them. I'm like damn, it's like it's me a little harder because I like almost like debts skipped over me a little bit right In a way right, because I'm still here. I'm still like, if you look at me now, i'm like, i'm moving.
Speaker 1:I'm moving like I'm gonna do everything it does like.
Speaker 2:I see different people like that, you know, and not many people were so lucky. So I think life like pretty seriously, you know, even like My injury, and maybe sometimes I have like nightmares like dang one of, like you know, maybe a little too high or something.
Speaker 2:You know, I'm thinking about stuff like that. You know, like, damn one of like. You know Like, did my injuries succumb to me or something, or wherever the word is. You know, like I just injured, hit me, but it's like not. That's why I always try to stay in the gym. You know, i'm so young and I want to do this now. That way I'm like 30, 40, 50.
Speaker 2:I've been in the gym for X amount of years that I don't have to worry about. I mean, i have to worry about it, but I'll be in better. You know, but life's really important, man. I mean, like What I've been through and I would. I've seen other people. They haven't been so lucky. So I feel like just just appreciating the little things you know. For me an example, i will say my daughter little stuff like that, even just getting up out of bed, walking. You know my back hurts super bad that day, but I'll look around outside, open my door. I'm like, okay, i'm up, i'm breathing. You know, there's a point in time where I couldn't get up at a bed. I would just sit there like that. I couldn't even just turn my head and I couldn't really breathe. So I remember like that's like embedded in my brain.
Speaker 2:I mean you've come far, bro, Like you know you say you couldn't get up like.
Speaker 2:Yeah, in the hospital, when I was staying in the hospital, i lived there, like I remember, like me and my phone was right here, i literally couldn't even just like. I had to like press a button and they would come and one person would go on the other side One person on that side and they grab the sheet and they turn the sheets And then I'll grab my phone. I swear I couldn't do anything, literally simple stuff like that turning your body, and I'd live that way for like a month and a half or so I remember how long I was in there But and do like little stuff like that, or like getting from the bed to the wheelchair. You had to like train myself and if I did something wrong they'd make me reset and like lay back down, sit up, get to my elbow, like it was this crazy bro. Like so now I get up and I'm like when I feel good, i'm like man, i just think about everything I've been through.
Speaker 2:You know, maybe someday that feel a little sad, but I just, like I said, i resort back to like all the hard times of my life. I'm like, okay, bro, you, you, you got, you got something. You got something special. You gotta let's see what it is. I don't know what it is yet, but maybe it's gonna dad, you know, i don't know dad.
Speaker 1:That's I did, everybody that I talked to. That's like Has gold, is gold-oriented? like they talked about this, like I gotta go after it, like I do, whatever happens happens. Like what do you think that is? Is it like are you religious? Yeah, are you? are you? is it faith-based? What is it?
Speaker 2:Yeah, for sure. I mean I grew up in like the Christian church, my grandpa as a pastor. I'm Christian and I always brain every day. I was telling my one of my students actually, like we're just chatting, i'm like before every round I pray, like really, if you're, i'm about to go roll jiu-jitsu, like I've been the corner, like I'll say something or I'll say something, or like boxing insane a prayer. I'm always I've been pretty religious my whole life and I've Divided a lot of my success like to God. You know where I've come from, like I was nothing bro And for a long time I was mad at God. I was like you know, that's talking my therapist and my grandfather and all that. You know, sometimes stuff happens and you can't do anything about it.
Speaker 2:But what you can do is like grow from it right. For a long I said a long time I was mad at God. I was like why would you like? I was so like? you know, i wasn't making hella money, but I was like a pro right And to get a riff from you it's like why, why, why, why. But you don't. Sometimes you don't have to ask why, you just let it happen and marinate a little bit and then you know and that's something I've learned over. I mean, i'm still learning. I'm not no guru at it, right, but I pray every day and that keeps me, keeps me going, even at times. I feel like I said that that one was feeling like you can't, you want to explode, you can't explain yourself. I'll just start praying because I don't know what's happening.
Speaker 2:You know, I swear, because like my body is so different now And I'm like basically I want to like do something, maybe like do something, but I can't And like mentally I'm like I can't move, so I'm like I kind of just sit there for a second, close my eyes and then pray, and then doesn't go away fully, but it kind of melts away slowly, right, and then yeah, man, Have you went back to the doctors to see what they say, like how are you cleared for everything?
Speaker 1:What's going on there?
Speaker 2:Not clear for everything. It's funny Hopefully the doctors don't watch this but I saw the doctor Friday and I did the physical. I did really good physical And it was a check it from my back And basically I was like, oh, because basically it's like be a professional in California, you get to get a license to get re-licensed and I had a license but expired. So there's paperwork as like four sheets of paper physical EKG I don't even know the long ass name neurology I don't know some long ass names. There's four of them, four tests you gotta have done.
Speaker 2:But the doctor, i was like, hey, i'm trying to like, i'm gonna take this story. I was like, hey, i know, you kind of know me since the wheelchair, but I want to like, i want to come back to like not fighting. But she's like what do you mean? What's the paperwork for? I was like, well, they want me to commentate and they're willing to pay me money. I kind of was lied almost. I was like they want me to commentate and like do some jujitsu matches? hopefully I was lied to get the her assignment, like the professional license, and Is this a private doctor?
Speaker 1:Is it Kaiser, kaiser, kaiser?
Speaker 2:But she's known me since I was in the wheelchair and I was like I'm gonna be honest with you.
Speaker 2:You know me since the wheelchair, this is something I want. I know you're scared, but she's like no, but she sent me the paperwork and I'll take a look at it. So I send her the paperwork. I'm just kind of waiting and she's going to send me in the right direction, where I need to go. But the physical part, perfect, i did good. She was kind of a surprise, like, because the last time she seen me too, i was like a swollen dude. I was like you know, i wanted to be this person, but I was like didn't look that I was. I was trying to do that, right.
Speaker 1:There's your cocoon. Yeah Right, the resurrection.
Speaker 2:But yeah, the doctor's like she's helped me a lot. She's a she's really cool, she understanding about what's going on too, cause at the same time, like obviously I'm trying to do this pro thing, right, this fighting thing, but at the end of the day I'm a dad, i got to pay bills, so she's helping me out with Apple too. Like Apple understands that I'm like her. Hopefully Apple don't watch this either.
Speaker 1:There's some stuff, I'll cut it.
Speaker 2:No, no, no no, no, no, but like no, i don't care. Yeah, yeah, Man. It's like, obviously I'm doing this fight, i'm chasing this fighting thing, but I'm also trying to be secure work. So it's like what do I want? You know, i'm just kind of being, i'm marinating my life for now, being patient, coming to class, being a student of the game.
Speaker 2:For a long time I feel like I was like this big fish and this like small pond. You know, like I'm the guy, whatever, whatever young pro, whatever It's like. Now I'm like, try to, i'm being a student of the game. You know little stuff. Like you know, maybe someone, even a lower belt than me, teaches me something. I'm like, okay, cool, you know, i'm willing to learn, like that. And before I kind of I was willing to learn, but I was also like, not that way, i was like a young, dumb, dumb ass kid, you know, yeah, but now I'm like I'm the student of the game, i want to come back different and whatever it takes. Like whoever I go, i always thank them, like I give them a hug. Like you don't understand how much this round. Like I don't say that Obviously, but in my head I'm like you don't understand how much this round means to me Like I was nothing, bro, Like for a long time.
Speaker 2:I'm sitting there like watching these dudes roll and I can't do that. I'm like I want to do it, you know, but now I'm in there, I'm I'm dragging fools. I'm like, you know, you know, hit some singles. I can do whatever. You know, hurts, after the fact, a little sore today, but yeah, it's like something I wanted for a long time, even just like getting submitted. I sound so crazy I get choked out or submitted. I'm like, wow, that felt good. You know, helm was a little bit. You feel good. I feel Zendal driving home like damn, i did really good. Maybe some things I didn't do, but I still was able to.
Speaker 1:Like you know, you know, just you know just just you rolling, You feel like that.
Speaker 2:It's like euphoric feeling. It feels good, you know.
Speaker 1:And the. It sounds like the risk, because you're taking a risk, right. And it sounds like the the what you get out of it, it's worth it. Yeah, it just like you saying like I'm trying to balance, being secure, you have a daughter and you're still trying to do this at the same time, like it's I don't know, like. I feel like some people just need this you know, like it's just built in them.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:Like do you feel like this fighting thing's built in you?
Speaker 2:Yeah, for sure, and that's why I tell people to like. They ask me like, why are you doing this? Like you're you're hurt, like literally I'm like why? Like they ask me, why are you doing this? You're hurt. And just like, just just relax, be be like, relax, whatever I'm like. Do you understand? Like I can't like this is something I'm good at. This is something I've always been in love with. So as a kid you know like it's something I just can't give up. I don't know I'm so driven by it And I know like my story is not. I'm like it's not done yet You know, I'm so young, 27.
Speaker 2:I mean, i'm not so young, i'm a little old, but I'm there, i'm I'm. You know I've done a lot of shit in my time, that I was a young fighter, right A 22 years old, 21,. I was fighting on Bellator, you know I had an opportunity to do that. Not many people can say that, you know, and before I was like sad, like maybe some of the results weren't the best results. I lost or this or that. But now I'm all I look back and I'm like damn, i did that shit, you know. So I feel like this is like I'm special in a way. I know I can do this And yeah, it's a risk and all that, but I'm driven, you know, whatever it takes, obviously I'm not going to be like stupid and be like the doctors.
Speaker 2:Maybe you're going to die if you do that. I'm not going to go kill myself, right, but that's. I'm with the doctors, i'm seeing the doctor, i have a chiropractor or have sponsors. I have this management team and they're all kind of looking after me a little bit. We're not rushing at things, but we're just kind of. You know, we're marinating right now And then whatever happens, happens, but I'm, i know that I'm going to do my part, be a student and be driven, no matter what. Like I said before, i was like I'd be cool, like I'm a pro fighter, go party and shit or like, do this, do that. But you know, i'm yeah, i want to be different.
Speaker 1:I'm doing things different now.
Speaker 2:So I feel different. I've every day. I feel different.
Speaker 1:So And you're in this, this one. Uh, you say you're in tunnel vision right now. Right, Yeah. What do you do to decompress, Like what? do you have any hobbies outside the gym? Um, I know you have a daughter, Yeah.
Speaker 2:Um, to be honest, i don't know. I like paint, video games, watching movies, horror movies, spending time with my daughter at home. That's like the best thing for me, like I feel like I'm always. I live a little farther away from San Jose now, so I'm kind of always doing traveling. All that you travel to is you know, it is you know yeah, that's what.
Speaker 2:I'm saying right So? but I like watching movies um playing video games. I love gaming. I don't get a chance too much because sometimes I'm so tired and like I have to get up five in the next day, so I get my gaming though, you know.
Speaker 1:What's your uh, what's your horror movie of choice?
Speaker 2:I like leather face, to be honest. Yeah, like an old school leather face, yeah, something about it. You know, I don't know Um, i like Pennywise, like it. I'm at my house. I have like a whole bunch of horror stuff on my wall. I have like an it mask, some crazy stuff Like you're a diar to do it.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, my daughter likes it a little bit. She gets a little scared. She's like, daddy, i'm scared. She likes it. But yeah, like horror stuff like that. Just like growing up my cousins always like try to scare me. I was that one cousin that was like hella scared of that, but now I was like, oh, i'm like, i kind of like that. You know, i love horror movies, i love Marvel movies, gaming. I love eating food, sushi, my shit.
Speaker 1:I come from those binders, like you guys in the Bay Area, san Jose, have the the best food. Like what's your food? You sent sushi's the food choice.
Speaker 2:Yeah, when I got the funds for it. But times a little tough right now. But, sushi's my favorite burritos. You know what I'm saying? All that shit.
Speaker 1:My daughter says oh, we got sushi money Yeah.
Speaker 2:Like every time we get sushi it was like, oh, things are quick, That's a real thing.
Speaker 1:But it's, it's wild man Like you're on this wild ride, like is there anybody else? Like how do your parents feel about you doing this?
Speaker 2:I mean, i mentioned, like the fighting thing to my mom. I, to be honest, i haven't told my dad. Dad, you're hearing this right now, but I haven't told my dad much. They're both a little scared, to be honest, but I told them like the same thing, like I'm doing this, but I'm also going to do the safe and right way. Right, i mean, there's no safe way I meddle with me. But to the doctors, they can clear me, like it's. It's ultimately ultimately your risk, sam.
Speaker 2:That's fine, i'll do that. I have enough coaches here, enough teammates, and I love people that are behind me, like to teach me the right things. You know, i'm not, i'm not going out there. I'm going to be in no firefights anymore. If the firefight comes to me, i'll do that too. Grappling wise, i feel like I'm going to dial myself down and grappling I feel a lot better grappling. My mom's a little scared, to be honest, but she says she supports me in everything I do. So, like I said, like taking the safe way, i'm not going to go crazy in there. You know my dad's nervous, obviously too right, but they're kind of just they. They like that. I'm so driven, no matter, like what's happened to me, i still kind of keep a positive look And, like my daughter didn't see the times that I'm upset or like upset, she doesn't see any of that. That's all behind closed doors. So as far as you know, as dad's a happy dude, you know.
Speaker 1:Yeah, right, yeah.
Speaker 2:But it's kind of hard, that, especially what I've been through, it's like a kind of keep that hidden. You know, yeah, yeah, my parents are like they're motivated for sure, they're excited for me, but there's also that sense of like scared. The scared for what I'm doing, right, but it's like hard, like I can't just give up fighting, bro, Even just like teaching. I can't walk away from it.
Speaker 1:I love it, it's what I do Do your parents support you Like other than them being scared about fighting like how do they support you, Do they How?
Speaker 2:do they?
Speaker 1:support you in all this.
Speaker 2:They'll just like they're social media. They'll like share my stuff or like they'll be like oh, even sometimes I don't really go on like Facebook or something like pop on Facebook and my mom would be like this is my son. So it's like cool to see that, like all our friends like whoa, you know, like little stuff like that, and my dad will like tell his friends like you know just the fact that they're talking about me you know they're not really like they tell my story about it. So it's kind of cool. Like how I came from, like I mean people seen me like I never even met before, but they see me like when I was like my lowest in the hospital. So like my dad and my mom will share who I am now or how I'm doing now, and they're like it's kind of cool because they're like whoa, like this is crazy, like this guy was dead.
Speaker 1:You know, really this guy was dead, he's a dead dude.
Speaker 2:Yeah, literally.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it's wild, But yeah, they're like you know, obviously they're scared about it, but they're like they're pretty, they're driven by my mentality And I kind of give some stuff to my mom too. Like you know, she gets a little upset. I just, i, just, i, just, i, just, i, just, i, just, i, just, i, just, i, just, i, just I just give my mom to. like you know, she gets a little upset, especially by my injury right That scared her. So, like, maybe, some of the stuff I learned, we kind of teach each other a little bit. She teaches me some stuff I teach her.
Speaker 2:hopefully I'm teaching her right My dad, yeah, there's really, really supportive of everything I do. So I like that, and not just them. Like my brothers, my sisters, my uncles, my grandpa, everybody they like they, they love what I do. They get a little scared, obviously, right, cause like what kind of dude with like metal in them is going to go teach a class or go spar or go do that or go run. Like you know, i'm not the best at running, i'm any more, cause my leg, but I still run. Dude, i'm like crazy out there. I'm like holding my leg. I'm like, hey, you know, i'm just like I'm I've always been that way like driven, like that. And yeah, it's kind of cool to see how my brothers and sisters get that from me too. My little brother plays football, my little brother plays baseball, so they'll have a little bit of us and a little bit of peace in them. You know, i like that.
Speaker 1:And the teaching were you teaching before the accident?
Speaker 2:Yeah, so I taught kids jujitsu here and I taught not kids boxing kids jujitsu and then I taught adult kickboxing. Now I'm not doing much teaching jujitsu yet because I've only been back like an X amount of times, but I teach the kids striking here and I teach the kids the adult kickboxing here. So I'm here three days a week doing the striking with the adults and then two days for the kids. And it's cool because we just started adding the kids program. Before It was like jujitsu base, right, but now that's the game, the fight starts on the feet. So it's kind of cool to get these kids like striking and some of these kids like they're like hitting the bag and like maybe like they don't have nowhere to relieve that aggression. So they're on the back and it's kind of cool to get that. I'll call it the fighters high. When you see them, like you know they're hitting the bag, they're tired but they're still in there. It's like the fighters high.
Speaker 2:It's kind of cool to see each little kid's little fighter high, you know. So it's cool.
Speaker 1:And it has teaching kids. Taught you anything Like, because teaching kids is not I did it for three years. It is not easy Dude, it's a problem.
Speaker 2:To be honest, like my fur is here, i was like very like quiet and like kind of easing back into the suggest the gym mentality. So I'll let some kids walk over me and all that. But now I'm like, not like snapping at the kids, but I'm more like okay, this is how things are done. It's a little hard some days but as the weeks have went on, as the months have passed, like we're all the kids kind of whizzle their way out. Maybe some kids left, maybe some kids didn't, but the kids that are here to stay, like they're driven man And it's a. It's hard some days but I like I enjoyed a lot because, like when I was young, like that I think so I teach four years old to high school.
Speaker 2:So when I was young, like that, like maybe the first couple years of high school, middle school, i was getting in trouble, bro, i was like fighting. I was like bad ass grades. They didn't think all the F club, they fucking every, every, every, before lunch, every day. You get like a piece of paper. You look at it and says, please come to the F club and like, cause you got Fs and shit, sam Rao show up and like I'm just like yeah, and as the years went on, like, yeah, i just I wanted, i wanted someone to be there for me, like to mentor me, and I had that football on my. Coach Marcus and coach Nick, nick Gardner and all these guys kind of mentored me to like be something you know. Like, okay, yeah, just kind of keep my, keep my head on straight, cause I got older like I would get in trouble and it's a little harder in high school. Like they're like they don't care about you, bro, they'll cut you off. They're like, okay, you don't want to go to high school? Cool, peace. So I was getting into fights and all that.
Speaker 2:But my coach has kind of kept me dialed in, like I'm pretty much like, yeah, they, they made me graduate high school. Like I was like a bad ass kid bro. They helped me graduate high school. They helped me, like develop this different mentality that I'd never had before. So I kind of want to do that for these kids too. Maybe, like maybe I won't, maybe it's somebody else that'll do that for them. But if I can play a part, a small part, in like their journey, that makes me feel good, you know, Cause I never had that. Like I said like coaching wise, like a coach, like really wants to, like be like on your face, driven, like you know, keep you, keep you dialed in like that, and I feel like I can do that to these kids here.
Speaker 1:I really, I really believe that kids learn from actions. Like even as a parent, like. As a parent, like, i believe that your kids are representation of you.
Speaker 2:Yeah, for sure Like 100%.
Speaker 1:Like, i've told my daughter a billion things and most of the time she doesn't learn from what I tell her. She learns from what I do.
Speaker 2:Yeah, you know what I mean.
Speaker 1:So I think these kids, you are that person because of what you've done.
Speaker 2:Yeah, you know what I mean.
Speaker 1:Not because of what you tell them or how you coach them. I think just seeing them someone rise from where you were Yeah, Dude, that's 100% like what they need.
Speaker 2:And some of these kids, like they don't know my story, but now they're starting to hear. Like Coach, can I ask you something? Is it true you got thrown off a bridge Last week? I was like you know. Yeah it is man, but I'm here now And we didn't know, to talk to you, a little younger.
Speaker 2:I was like, but we'll talk about it later. And then, yeah, so like kids are starting to see like dang, like coach is like crazy. This guy went through that and he was here. I never show that. I'm like hurting here. Maybe someday I'm in pain, my neck hurts and like that, but I'm here, i'm teaching what I got to teach. And I was like I was like tell us to the kids like cool to have fun in class, cool to talk, do that, but then a day handler business. I was like I would tell them I talk too much, bro. I'm in the adult class like yo, yo, you know. But then a day I'm buckled down and handle my business. And that's how these kids are starting to see that now. Like okay, coach is serious man, like we can have fun by the end of the day We're here to work, and that's how some of these kids you can kind of see. they're growing a week by week And it's crazy And I love that Cause, like I was a young kid like that.
Speaker 2:I met my coach, eric, when I was 12, i used to get bullied all the time, fucking get the shit to beat out of me And I almost not. I didn't become a bully, but I learned how to fight. I learned how to jiu-jitsu and I would go to. I would go to school looking for fights And especially this is like I don't even know, like let me see, like 2007, 2008, that kind of era of UFC, like the fucking bar brawler fights And I'll be at school like trying to fight fools and shit, like. So I feel like now, like you know, that kind of shaped me to where I was. I was so young and learned that humbled There's no kids class back then. I get the shit beat out of me by adults, took some years off for football and all that. I feel like fighting's always kept me dialed in. That kind of kept me like mentally sane up here. There's times like, dude, any one of my situations they would have like they would have left, they would have like not been here, you know.
Speaker 1:Was there anybody in your childhood that I mean? I wouldn't say not too many people fall from a bridge, but is there anybody that was in your life that came back from from a? it could be an injury, it could be like just anything, anything like a tribulation that was like so big that they came back from. Was there anybody in your life that did the example?
Speaker 2:Nah, to be honest, Sorry. Nah, that's all good, Not family-wise. But I mean there's a guy at boxing. They've been in a movie about him. Bleed for this. Oh, yeah, yeah dude, that's probably the only one to be honest.
Speaker 1:They've had family.
Speaker 2:They've had all their faults and all that you know. But that movie what's up, man? Hello, but yeah, that movie, bleed for this. I remember I was in the hospital. I couldn't move out of the bed. I was like sitting there. My boy, todd, was in there. He's like you got to watch this movie And we watched it reading chocolates. So, man, i'm good at reading chocolates, yeah, yeah, it's all good, it's all good, but he's a reading chocolate and we're just watching the movie, you know, and I remember, like just, i didn't really understand anything because I'm in the hospital like all these beds, and then I got out of the hospital. I watched it again. To be honest, i bought the movie. I watched it all the time when I'm feeling down. But it shows like this dude's like living his life. He's boxing, he goes through injury. He didn't get spinal fusion like me, but his neck was like destroyed. He had like pins in his head. Remember that part where they're screwing his head Yeah yeah, So like yeah.
Speaker 1:They were taking it out right.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and I related so much to that movie because, like, dude, that's how I felt. I remember in the hospital, like they would come take X-rays. I was in a chair like this. They had like a big old, big old, fucking like square. They'd put it behind me. But in order to put it behind me, they had to pull my head up And I remember even just pulling my head like this, like it ripped my back hella bad, i would scream. I remember like the doctor come in, he's like he's pulled my head up and I started cussing. I was like dude, fucking stop. Like he's like. I remember he was scared, though He's like I'm sorry, i have to do this And I'm like all right, and then he fucking pulled my shoulder. I was just screaming like super loud, like I remember I was like mad, i was like I wish I had a mouthpiece, type shit. I was like you know, and then he remember just taking the pictures and like doing all that. But I remember that was like. I've related so much to that movie because it's like dude, this guy was like dead And he ended up coming back and boxing and like maybe win some championships.
Speaker 2:You know, i'm not like hardware, especially hardware like me. But I feel like I'm in a good position. Look at me, i'm walking, i'm talking, i'm in the wear. I'm not like dumbfounded out there where I'm like, oh, there's a punch. You know, i'm like I can see shit, i can move, i feel good. So I feel like it's like a miracle, almost right, like so, like I don't know, i just want a shot, you know. So I need one shot and that's it Doesn't work out, doesn't work out.
Speaker 1:And let's say let's say like where did you see yourself as a when you're in your childhood, Like when you were 12, when you first started? fighting or even before that. What did you want to be? What is it that you wanted to?
Speaker 2:be Man. I wanted to be a superhero. To be honest, i didn't want to be a superhero. I didn't want to be a superhero. I didn't want to be a superhero. I was like I remember this one time at the funny store my grandpa told me that well, i remember this too, but I remember a spider crawling at me and I wanted to be Spider-Man. So I let the spider bite me And I remember my hand was like swollen and shit, like I just wanted to be like a superhero.
Speaker 2:I was like a nerdy kid, like that. And then as I got older, maybe I wanted to play the NFL. Football was like a big part of my life. Like never really grew up like I mean Jiu-Jitsu wise, i played Jiu-Jitsu and all that Little bit of striking with Eric, but football was like the real main sport that I was into, like as I was in high school and all that. But I wanted to be in the NFL. I wanted to. But I remember, as the years went on, I was like, damn, i played a dance for like a little bit right, i got hurt. And as, like life went on, i'm like, damn, maybe the NFL is not the best for me you know, And then that's when I made the transition to come back to MMA.
Speaker 2:But as long as I was a little kid, i never really I wanted to be a superhero. No, i wasn't like, oh, i'm gonna be a cop or anything like that. It was like I want to be superhero. People were like, all right, bro, you know.
Speaker 1:So I guess I got.
Speaker 2:I am a superhero in a way, right, so that's kind of cool, oh yeah, but yeah, man, so we're.
Speaker 1:so you now like where you're at now, where do you see this life thing going? Like, what are you other than fighting? Like, what are your goals?
Speaker 2:Like after fighting So my goals is like going ahead, i train a guy here. He's Brendan, my boy. He's actually one of our fighters too. Brendan Brown, look out for him, he's gonna come up, but he's actually one of the EMT teachers. So I'm trying to get my EMT certification And I'm gonna go to school in the fall. That's my goal. I'm gonna go to school, get my EMT certification And then from there I want to apply to like the fire academy and become a firefighter and like kind of get in there And like I want to be the dudes that run in there and get the birdie and billies you know, I want to.
Speaker 2:I don't know why, but that's like my goal. But this fall, going to school and get my EMT certification, I'm not gonna do any EMT work. I mean, maybe if I have to I will. I don't EMT, I don't make too much money, But to become a firefighter, that's my main goal. Be a firefighter like steep, you know.
Speaker 1:Like steep, like steep, like steep, like steep, like steep, and you think you, you, it's kind of crazy, like if that ends up on when that happens, right, when that happens, you want it to be a superhero. You had this falling out, you fell off the bridge right, and then you want to be a firefighter. So it's kind of cool, man, you're like you are becoming a superhero.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah, that's what I'm saying. I'm a superhero in a way, right, and my daughter calls me that. You know, my daughter thinks of me like a superhero. So I got to, like, i got to portray that in a way I can't even the having the bat in the worst day ever. I got to, like, put the mask on, you know, smile a little bit. So I'm excited, man, because, like, obviously the fighting, that's what I want, right, i get a chance. I get a chance.
Speaker 2:The injury happened, you know It's like watering of the bridge, you know, not really like you know, but that's how I think of it now Watering of the bridge. I want to grow from it. It created who I am now. Like I'm this different person. Before I was, like, you know, young cat in and out of the gym partying, doing this. Obviously, no one deserves to go through something like so traumatic like that. To like have you almost killed. That's like not what's supposed to happen, you know, but it happened. I can't go back on it, but it created who I am now. So I kind of want to just push that to the side and whatever happens with the law, with all that shit, you know it happens, but for myself. I want to, like, become the best dad. I can be number one, be a dope ass fighter. I'm already dope.
Speaker 2:But I want to be there to become a fighter and do this firefighting thing and just become a successful man, something that someone could look back on me like damn, this guy did all that shit. You know, then the day I want people to say like damn, this guy did that shit. Obviously I'm doing it for myself, right, but I want people to be driven too, cause there's times, like I hear stories at work or this, that people have like these sensors on themselves, like, oh, my leg hurt, so I did this. Or like that I'm like dude And they don't know my story. No one knows my story. So I'm like damn, i'm only new bro, like I'm in pain right now talking to you, but I don't let that like put me back. Look, i don't let that set me back.
Speaker 1:That's a different pain. That's a pain from sparring. Like that's a pain that you have because, like you, were sparring.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah sure.
Speaker 1:Different. You're always going to be in pain if you're sparring.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, yeah And I don't go, i don't spar like too hard into that, always flowing Maybe sometimes sometimes throw a little hard right. But that's what I'm saying, like I'm doing this, like I'm supposed to be, like I'm not supposed to be. I guess I'm supposed to be like doing nothing. I guess Like relaxing, going on bike rides, being boring, dad you know.
Speaker 1:I want to I want to.
Speaker 2:No, no, that's boring. I like riding bikes and shit, but I want to fight, like all these fighters know, especially the fighter dad, know we know, right, it's like you got this little little beast And you know I want to display that to everybody, whether it be Jujitsu, whether it be fighting, whether it be commentating whatever, And like I went through like a lot of shit in the past year and that like changed me mentally, physically. like you know, a lot of people left me like in my darkest time. So now I always remember that. You know I'm not going to hold, like be angry into that, but, like you know, shit happened And I remember, always remember the people that left me in the dark times that I like you know it's not easy, it's not easy doing this shit, it's not easy fighting, and like it's not easy going to work at five AM.
Speaker 2:You know, maybe for some people, but I'm like not normal, i'm like I'm broken, i'm like literally so like it's not easy to do some of the shit I'm doing. Right, yeah, right, it's not easy to do some of the shit I'm doing. So the fact that some people like would do, like you know, leave you at your lowest time it kind of just. It kind of drives you more. I'm like I'm not a person. You do me wrong, it's all good.
Speaker 1:Best of luck to you, it's all good, i'm not gonna talk shit, it's okay you can do. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. You found, i think, as you get older too. I'm 33, right? I?
Speaker 2:had a young brother, a young stallion.
Speaker 1:But I think, like the more shit you do like, the more you realize like who's good, like I just want good people in my life.
Speaker 2:Right Yeah, for sure, for sure.
Speaker 1:Like. so if you're gonna show me that you're, you're gonna like you're not a good person, Yeah Like. I'm happy with that.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that's not my cool. Best of luck to you, you know, and then before back in the day maybe I was just fucking like angry, like I would want to get the last word or do this to that, be angry at that person.
Speaker 2:It's all good, it's all good. I know I'm gonna kill him with kindness. My coach, nick Garner, told me that in high school he's like kill him with kindness, kill him with kindness. I was like sad over something back in high school. I remember they always stuck with me Kill him with kindness, kill him with kindness, kill him with kindness. And then my coach, nate, would tell me that kill him with kindness. You got to be that person. Like bad shit's happening, be like okay, cool, you know, and that's kind of how I chose to live my life now, cause you know, bad things have happened the past year Personal shit, physically shit, but I mean fuck, every month, every week, i felt pretty good bro. I felt like my life's changing for the better too. You know, like the day I'm doing the shit for my daughter, i'm gonna. I want her to look back on this video. You know, all these videos that we make together straight up, all these videos we make together, all of that I want her to look back.
Speaker 1:Like dude, my dad was crazy, but he's like he's looking super here but he's crazy.
Speaker 2:And I know that she's gonna find him one day. You know, Isabella, I love you. Have you ever seen this? Maybe maybe you get shown this, I don't know. I love you a lot and I always fight for you.
Speaker 1:So And we'll end it with this. I mean, i think you're in a better place to to answer this and give advice. Like, what do you after going through all that right, like you're really in a place where you've recovered?
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:What would you do if someone came to you or if you saw somebody that was going through something where they it just looked like no hope to them? it would look like no hope Cause, like I'm pretty sure that's where you felt Like we're just like there's nothing I could do. Yeah, Like what would you, what would you tell that person?
Speaker 2:I would just tell them to, to hold on, have, have, have some sort of faith in God and spiritualness. You know, keep your mind sharp. Don't be a person that's like lost, like oh cause, i was that person. I was mad at God, you know, i was like, I'm a religious dude, i grew up in the church Like to hold my whole life My grandfather was a pastor, you know And just to just to hold on. You know, hold on The days that you feel like you can't move, the days you feel like you can't think straight. Just hold on, it'll get better.
Speaker 2:I've been days where I'm telling you, man, like it's recent shit too, like, not just like happened, like months ago, like I still go through this every day, but the fact that you just, you know, hold on. If you can hold on to that, you'll get to the next day, i'll be better. You know, sometimes it may feel like the end, you know, But my advice is just keep, keep sharp. Find something that you'd like to do, like, for me, fighting. I like to fight. I like to watch TV, you know, but fighting and being in there, even if I'm not punching something, i'm punching the bag or like shadow boxing. Find your wife find what you like to do. Maybe they're just going to the park, maybe it's going to eat fucking food, i don't know.
Speaker 1:Whatever it is, you know.
Speaker 2:And maybe you can't, it's so hard, maybe it's still hard for you to do that. Maybe you can't do that, you want to do it, but do a little shit that'll lead you to that. you know, like me, i couldn't shadow box, where I would just like watch videos about fighting And eventually I would like stand up at the walker and eventually I was like damn, i can like kind of punch or kick And then when you're looking at me now I'm like I can go in there and shadow box now. you know, just a little shit. don't be in such a rush to be better, because you're not going to be better tomorrow.
Speaker 2:I'm telling you right now I'm not better at all. I'm better, better, but I'm not fully better. So find little shit that'll make you better each and every day that you can hold on to. That's my best advice I can say, because, like I said, i take a little step every day, even from here. maybe I have a bad session here, like I almost. like I call my imaginary notepad okay, you did this, you did that, and then the next day that practice. I try to avoid that or do something better from that. Maybe I should get a real notepad, you know, but like little shit here, like that.
Speaker 1:Use your phone.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm all out of it, bro. I'm like the music playing, you know.
Speaker 2:The caffeine's hitting me. I'm going Just to stay sharp and be positive and have faith And everyone's religious like that, but have faith or have somebody there for you to like, you know, someone to fall back on. For me, i had my family, my daughter, maybe some individuals right, but I've always had my faith. At the end of the day you close that door, it's just you. I got my own little studio right now. It's just me and my daughter, so it's just me, you know, and me, and.
Speaker 2:God. That's pretty much all you need. Sometimes, you know Me and God and some Jorge Masvidal motivation. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Speaker 1:And hell yeah, man, Like you talking to your first right, My buddy. this is how I got connected with you. is that my buddy, Diego, that I work with at Five Points I've traveled with him before.
Speaker 2:Shout Diego, shout Diego. That's the man right there.
Speaker 1:He told me there's this guy that literally left the bar and he got thrown off a bridge.
Speaker 1:And like you should go interview him about his story. And then I was starting to talk to you and we did the interview and I was like, man, this guy like he's going through shit, right, he's like in the thick of it. And then I seen your videos of you training, again little by little, it wasn't like one video. I'm like, oh shit, he's back. It was like I was like, oh, he's still in there, he's still in there. So it's crazy for you to say like, oh, i'm not going to post this because no one cares. Bro, like I'm sitting there, i'll be in cereal.
Speaker 1:You know, I'm watching I'm like oh shit, fuck yes, Sam Like there's people rooting for you, bro. There is, and I think it's awesome. It's night and day compared to the last time I talked to you. It's fucking awesome And I wish you the best.
Speaker 2:And is there anything?
Speaker 1:else you want to say Anything. How do people find you on Instagram? It's all yours.
Speaker 2:I just want to say thank you to everyone who's been here, And you played a part in not being here for me. I thank you. I appreciate you. It's led me to HAM today. I appreciate you for wanting to like help me get my story out there and all that And coming together. I hope we can make more and more videos because I just want to display where I went from before until now, And I appreciate your brother, Ro Stuff.
Speaker 2:I tell you that before and I see you at the bar. But I'm just thankful for you wanting to do that for me because, like I said, i'm thinking myself about this person. I'm starting to do that now, little by little, but, like you said, other people see me like that, so that motivates me. Shout out to my management team, genesis Sports Management. We've got big things in the works. My ultimate goal was to fight right, that's my big thing, right. So maybe that happens one day.
Speaker 2:I'm marinating, i'm staying ready, i'm staying sharp, losing the weight, staying dialed in, and I should appreciate everything they've done for me. Like I said, they helped me when I was at a low point in my life And I'm here now. I'm stronger. These guys keep me motivated. Everybody keeps me motivated to do shit every day. Like I said, some days I'm lost, but having this management team, having friends like you that are, like you know, rooting for me, that makes me only want to try harder and harder, even no matter what pain I'm in, you know, makes me want to come back and bounce back harder.
Speaker 2:Shout out to my daughter and my family, my baby girl, isabella. I love you. Daddy always loves you. Daddy always has your back, no matter what. And yeah, how do people find you on Instagram? What are you doing on?
Speaker 1:social media.
Speaker 2:My Instagram Sam Romero MMA. You hit me up on there Facebook. What's my name on Facebook? Samuel Bandy.
Speaker 1:Romero.
Speaker 2:Full name right there Facebook, instagram. Yeah, just hit me up, man, reach out, even if you're going through something you know. Any way I can help. Reach out to me. Maybe I should give you a little motivation or give you a little tip or something Right now. It's maybe a lot right now. Maybe if you mess with me something, i could come up with something right. I don't know, but whatever you need, i'm always there for you. Maybe I'm not much help, but I can be a little help.
Speaker 1:So yeah, appreciate it, brother. Thank you, sam, thanks guys.