The Hassle of Hair
The Hassle of Hair
The Balancing Act of Work, Relationships, and Family Life
Ever wondered what it's like running a photo booth business while bouncing at a lively bar filled with hilarious stories? Join us as we chat with our friend Raquel who gives us the lowdown on her two photo booths - one for high-quality prints and another for digital sharing - and the curious encounters Jesse had at the bar. We even share a laugh about a recently divorced man attempting to navigate his newfound freedom in the bar scene.
As we navigate through our conversation, we discuss the challenges of balancing careers, hobbies, and relationships. Drawing from our own experiences, we explore the importance of being present in a relationship and keeping the flame alive. We also reflect on the journey of transitioning within our careers and acknowledging the progress we've made so far.
And if you think balancing work and relationships is tough, try adding in family commitments. We share an emotional story of Our daughter Eva who injured her ankle during a softball game. Listen in as we discuss the challenges of managing family life with tournament schedules, the impact of Eva's accident, and the incredible strength she showed during her recovery. This heartfelt and entertaining conversation is one you won't want to miss!
Hey guys, Raquel has a photo booth, If you guys are interested for your event. I got two photo booths. Yes, she has two photo booths. She has a DSLR camera photo booth, So the picture quality is insane. It's gonna be like something from Macy's right, Like so any parties, skits and yetas weddings, barbecues, anything you guys want.
Speaker 2:Graduation back to her.
Speaker 1:Like check her out, hit her up at Raquel's design. Anything else for that? Oh, she also has another photo booth where it's a selfie booth. Selfie booth digital only. Digital only no prints, cause the DSLR camera has the prints and she makes custom overlays Where you could put your event name or congratulations so and so, or happy birthday so and so. Yeah, so she has two booths Let us know we're in the Central Valley area and then the- We do travel. Bay area, area the Bay area area. And if you guys-.
Speaker 2:Bay area area.
Speaker 1:If you guys are farther, there is a fee for a travel cost. But other than that, yeah, hit her up. Good to go. Yeah, love you guys. I haven't told you but-.
Speaker 2:Oh.
Speaker 1:God I get to the bar. Yesterday, okay Cause I bounced at the bar at five points in San Jose and this divorced guy came up to me.
Speaker 2:How do?
Speaker 1:you know who he is? No, no, no, okay. So this old man comes up to me and he starts telling me I saw the most beautiful, the most gorgeous Asian woman. And he just starts telling me it's weird When you work the door. It's weird cause people just like tell you their drunk stories, right, and he's like goes on about this. And he kept on specifying like she's Asian, like she's this most beautiful Korean, or he's all Vietnamese woman. And I'm like Jesus And he's all. She has to come out. I want to show, can you go to the back real quick? I was like no, i can't, i'm working right now.
Speaker 2:And then he starts telling me How old do you think he?
Speaker 1:is. He has to be like 50s in his 50s And he, he keeps on, going on and he's telling me like he doesn't really know how to be in this atmosphere. He's from Philadelphia and he-.
Speaker 2:What atmosphere, like the part, like at the bar or Yeah, the-. Or like a single life.
Speaker 1:Well, both kind of he. He said that he's like recently divorced and he's never really gone downtown. He was married for 27 years and it just ended And now he's trying to figure things out. He's trying to figure out what he's gonna do with himself And even like, first of all, in my head, i'm like dude, i'd be at home by myself If I'm, if I'm finally divorced, like I'm like Finally, yeah, if I'm like I'm gonna go home. Yeah, especially if I'm that like he had white hair.
Speaker 2:I don't think so.
Speaker 1:You're full of it.
Speaker 2:No, you'll be out.
Speaker 1:I think first You'll be out trying to get laid.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I mean never mind.
Speaker 1:No, but he. But he gets on going on. He was like married for 27 years.
Speaker 2:And I was like super interested. Like most people are just like okay, dude, you need to leave me alone.
Speaker 1:Get away from me, You're drunk, But I was like super interested in like he's from Philadelphia and now he's trying to figure things out as like a 50-something year old man. So why San Jose, Like why California after Philadelphia? Did he say why? I guess he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like he's like he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like.
Speaker 2:Yeah, did he say why?
Speaker 1:I guess he has a friend out here. Oh, and he said it was more of a like spontaneous thing, like the way he made it sound like he just got divorced yesterday, oh, like it was just like it was clearly it was like just happened And it was just talking to him. Some people just don't have the gift of gab or don't have or The gift of what. Gift of gab. Talking Like being able to talk to people and you never heard. The gift of gab.
Speaker 2:No, I've never heard that saying.
Speaker 1:No, no, the gift of gab. Well, maybe I know what it is. It's like cause, like growing up, i liked this rapper named gift of gab.
Speaker 2:That's his rap name.
Speaker 1:Yeah, But it means like it.
Speaker 2:Let's see.
Speaker 1:It's like people that know how to like, like salesmen. they use it Like the gift, though he has the gift of gab. Oh, look at when you put it in Yeah, that's the rapper, and the rapper popped up.
Speaker 2:It just says anything about the rapper. It doesn't say anything about it.
Speaker 1:Yeah, so if you just, if you just look up, what does gift of gab mean? Gift of gab mean It says the ability to speak with eloquence and fluency.
Speaker 2:Oh.
Speaker 1:You're just a good talker.
Speaker 2:I definitely don't have that.
Speaker 1:And this is coming like I don't know. But no, so he doesn't have the gift of gab. He's like he doesn't know how to talk to people. I go, just go in there and talk to he's. I don't know how to talk to these people. He's they're all younger than me. I was like they're not like that. They're not Five points is like.
Speaker 2:On the Sunday nights. It's like older people or what.
Speaker 1:No, the bar that I work at it's like 35 and older.
Speaker 2:Okay.
Speaker 1:And then they have like the young crowd too, but like it's not just young people, it's all over the place.
Speaker 2:It's a different range of age, yeah, and well, yeah, all of San Pedro square is all like they have a bunch of different stuff there, so you're going to get a different group of people there in that area.
Speaker 1:Yeah, but it's changed a lot.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah, for sure it has.
Speaker 1:It's not a it before. I remember going downtown It's the old wagon there still. I remember going downtown and it wasn't. I never felt like I could walk around and enjoy it, like it was a little bit more sketchy right Downtown yeah. Right Now, it's like now the whole San Pedro square is like blocked off, And it's did they have that only cause of COVID or did they have it like that before Cause?
Speaker 2:I know like when they did have like events, they did like block that area off, but it was also a way to get in, to go to the parking garage. Now you have to go in, you have to go like all the way around.
Speaker 1:From what I hear, it's started because of COVID and they never took it away.
Speaker 2:I think it's better though.
Speaker 1:Oh, it's way better.
Speaker 2:Because then they also have those shops too, like right on the sidewalk, like underneath the parking structure, like those little like shops that they have there.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:They're like little tiny shops. You know what I'm talking about?
Speaker 1:Yeah, I know you're talking about. They have the Mochi play. I don't know if it's Mochi, No, it's like I don't know, But I know what you're talking about. Like they're little, tiny, little hidden stores in there. But it's changed And this guy was just kept on going on and it made me think it was like man.
Speaker 2:I can't wait to get divorced and not be able to talk to girls.
Speaker 1:No, but like in my head I'm like that wouldn't happen to me, Like Rukau leaves me, like that I wouldn't be, like I wouldn't know, I would know.
Speaker 2:Who'd be at home eating your fillings?
Speaker 1:I would know on how to talk to people and hang out with people. This guy looked like he just Maybe he doesn't have any friends. But that's what I'm saying. Like he looks like he's been out of the loop And he was like cause. I told him I was like dude. I've been married for 10 years and it's been going pretty good. The first two years were rough And he's like what?
Speaker 2:First five years. And he was like what?
Speaker 1:Like you're crazy, like what do you think?
Speaker 2:Carol really knew each other six months and got married. Come on dude.
Speaker 1:But then I told him I was like well, we like first of all, like there's no, there's in our marriage there's. I told him, like there's, i do what I want, She does what she wants, like there's no.
Speaker 2:As when we say we do what we want, it's not. we see other people, We'd sleep with other people, yeah, we'd open our legs, it's not like that. We do not It's, we have our own hobbies Can we have a open relationship.
Speaker 1:I'm joking.
Speaker 2:I'm joking, don't throw that out there. Don't throw that out there, what?
Speaker 1:does that even mean? What the fuck does that mean? Okay, what?
Speaker 2:You're gonna get yourself mad. Okay, what happened?
Speaker 1:What were you saying?
Speaker 2:I said we have our own hobbies, We have our own things we like, like that's what we mean when we say we do our own thing.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Yes, we're together, but we're not together every moment of the day doing something with each other.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and some people. And this is where I like as a husband, as a father, this is where I struggle, right. I don't even tell you like, because it's that balance of of being home, being with your family, and then that balance of like doing what you need to do for your career for your outside right And I think some people forget that. I think people they end up getting divorced and they're like where am I? You?
Speaker 2:know, Because they were so consumed with the other person. They don't have anything after that to go back to, Or to even go with two. You know what I mean.
Speaker 1:It's crazy because you would think okay, if you consume yourself in it, that person will stay with you.
Speaker 2:Yeah, no, you may just make that person tired.
Speaker 1:But then you don't consume yourself and they're like oh okay, i guess, being independent, like I understand you now where it's? I used to get mad at you because I was like it's like you want me, you wanna hang out with me when I'm gone, but then when I'm here, you don't like you give me a hard time, like it's just like you want me to hang out with you when I'm not here.
Speaker 1:And then you don't want me to hang out with you when I'm here. It's more complicated than that. It's not that simple, but basically right. But I've learned that it's not that you want to hang out with me, you just. There needs to be at least one day out of the week where I'm just here.
Speaker 2:Uh-huh.
Speaker 1:Dude, i mean it doesn't mean like you need to be fucking.
Speaker 2:Even if we're just stay on the couch on our phones watching TV back and forth.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and it's such a hard. I've heard older men tell me that. I've heard older people tell me that that it's been in longer relationships, longer marriages. You just need to be present.
Speaker 2:Anything that you just need to be present.
Speaker 1:And to me it's like why am I present if you don't even want? and I just I needed to work through that, right, and I'm starting to understand it. You do have your flaws sometimes, i think. When you push me away and then you want, like I think that's just, i'm playing hard to get. Like dude, there ain't no playing hard to get, like I'm already, like we're already here, like there's no.
Speaker 2:You gotta keep it spicy. I'm not keeping it spicy.
Speaker 1:Now there's been a while since we've podcasted and quite a things happened. How long has it been? It's been a few months, a few months.
Speaker 2:Yeah, we had some stuff going on.
Speaker 1:A lot of stuff going on.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:Right, like whole transition into my, a transition into my career that I'm still just even trying to figure out. Right, to be able to step back and acknowledge, like, acknowledge what I'm doing, it was a good thing. It took some getting used to like, but it was a good thing. And but we were gonna start talking about and you were like, yeah, there's a lot of stuff going on. Was What Eva's ankle?
Speaker 2:Oh, yeah, i think the last time we podcasted we were saying like, oh, we're gonna go to Oregon, our daughter has a tournament. Yeah, so we get up there. It's a two day tournament. We get up, we jump up there on a Sunday, jump up there Sunday in the afternoon, and you know it's a good little drive. It's just us me and him Eva already left with her team and stuff like that And like little scenic routes, you know, stopping here and there And we get there and we're relaxing And you know we're trying to catch up on work before we go for these tournaments these two days. And first day, monday, we watched the first game They had back to back. Good game, they won, great. We take a what like 30 minute break.
Speaker 2:Yeah 30 minute break. We go to Starbucks, we get some coffee, we go back over there. Then it's the start of the second game And it's already halfway through, right Halfway through the game, yeah they're getting close to the end, Yeah they're getting close to the end.
Speaker 2:So it's already halfway through the game. Eva's up to bat, she hits it, she gets on a it was a full count. Right, it was full count. She hits it, she goes to first. She's still second And then she's still in third And their coach put into them like no matter what, you slide for everything. No matter what, doesn't matter, slide. So she's still in third and they're playing on turf And she goes to slide and next thing we know she's on the floor like what the hell? Like? she's laying there. Well, her foot gets stuck in the turf, she rolls it and breaks her ankle out there. Second game, first day, so that was fun.
Speaker 1:It was such an awkward slide too.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:Like she hit the ground and she rolled over and she just grabbed her knee And she's had knee problems and me and Rukaira were like, oh, her fucking knee. And then she just stayed on the ground and we're like what the fuck? And then so she came back to the dugout and her foot was already swelling up.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:And one of the coaches was like oh, she just sprained it And I thought she sprained it too.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I did too.
Speaker 1:One thing I found out about Eva breaking her ankle is my daughter's tough, like I used to be always saying oh, she couldn't be able. She wouldn't be able to handle it. Like an injury or something like that. Like her pain tolerance is so low, you know, but it is actually super high, higher than I thought, because she's just sitting there and she has a tear coming down, but she's not in pain.
Speaker 2:At this point we don't know what's going on with her. We just think it's a sprain She hurt herself. We didn't think anything serious.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and I mean, i've had my fair share of sprains. I fractured my ankle before And a sprain to me that's just like okay, you'll get over it.
Speaker 2:You know You walk it off later. Yeah, you literally could sometimes Walk it off.
Speaker 1:Sometimes you can still train on it, like you're immobile in one area of your body but you can still train your other part of your body And then so we get back to the hotel and she's sitting there icing it and We fall asleep for a few hours, me and her. I was like where does it?
Speaker 2:I still feel bad for it to this day. Yeah, you just feel bad, asshole.
Speaker 1:I grab her foot and I'm like I'm like where does it hurt And I turn it. I grab her foot and I I don't turn it, like I just go right to left. I go where does it hurt? Thinking that it sprained right And because if you would have seen the slide, you would not think it got it broke, She broke.
Speaker 2:yeah, you didn't think she broke it.
Speaker 1:And so I'm like okay, where does it hurt? Thinking like she's, she's just, she just has a low tolerance, right, And She just starts bawling, she just starts bawling. I'm like aw fuck. And then we take off the boot, we take off the cleat and her foot is just swollen.
Speaker 2:I'm like wow, And the ankle is like. it literally looks like a softball right there. Yeah, I was like that.
Speaker 1:It's. I feel like an asshole. Yeah, you should.
Speaker 2:And that's when We call one of the we call the coach and was like, ah, can you come to the room? He walks in, he looks at Eva's ankle, He looks at us. He's like, yeah, take her to the emergency now. Yeah, we took her. We're there, oh God.
Speaker 1:We're in Oregon, for I mean, we were in the ER for about 10 hours.
Speaker 2:Yeah, we were there for good.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and we came back. she got her cast, she finally she recently just got her cast off. It was like a month and a half And it was probably it was a struggle Like. It was like our schedules like got taken like for the first week. I'm taking her up and down the stairs.
Speaker 2:First two weeks. I think Two weeks yeah.
Speaker 1:I'm carrying her up and down the stairs. She was immobilized, Like it was it was just like.
Speaker 2:It's hard on everybody.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it was hard because, like you get used to, you don't realize like, oh, she's doing everything on her own, like we don't have a kid anymore. Like she's almost a full grown adult And her independence has gotten super high. You don't realize that until she needs help.
Speaker 2:Yeah. And I was like fuck.
Speaker 1:As a little.
Speaker 2:You were carrying her up and down the stairs. I was helping her shower every other day, making her food, taking it up to her, coming back down making sure she had whatever she needed, and it just still happened. That week too, the fall. So she was, she was on, so they left on the tournament. It's no, we came back on that Wednesday. She had appointment that Thursday. The next day was a Friday. She didn't go to school, and then the following week was spring break, so she was out that whole week already. So thank God that happened.
Speaker 2:That was spring break, so yeah, so that was a plus. No school for that first, like two weeks, and then now she's able to go up and down the stairs by herself on her butt. She's not walking on it yet.
Speaker 2:Almost walking almost she should be starting soon, but she's you know, she's taking her own showers now. She's getting her own things that she can get, and which is wonderful. It's wonderful. But we told her she has a lot of chores to catch up on when she gets back from being hurt no, and it was like I'm, i'm going to what well? so She breaks her ankle. We come back a few days later. Then, a day after that is her birthday She turned 17 with the broken ankle.
Speaker 1:Yeah, we couldn't do anything.
Speaker 2:So she comes back, we come back. She turned 17, she has a broken ankle. Well, that temporary cast that they have on her from the hospital, then she goes to prom with the cast to, that's not fun. Then she's not playing, obviously, softball anymore because of you know. So she's not on varsity anymore. So this is a lot of stuff. She's still in varsity. Well, i mean, if she wasn't on, she wasn't playing anymore. Yeah, that's what I'm saying So, it was like a lot of stuff going on.
Speaker 1:But we got through it. It was cool, but it made me realize like I love that little girl and we're gonna be in her, her life for a long time and I'm proud of her that it just everything she does like that, that her friends like dropping her off at school and seeing How her friends are. They look at me like I'm fucking crazy. Yeah, but her friends she has. She picked really good friends.
Speaker 2:She has good friends Yeah and I'm happy about it.
Speaker 1:I got them.
Speaker 2:She's prone the crutches now, that's for sure, yeah.
Speaker 1:We, we. I bought, i bought my friends a scooter, leg scooter We got our wheelchair. We didn't want her using the crutches, but there's a thing that she picked.
Speaker 2:Yeah, i was like she still can't use the scooter, though the way her leg is bent.
Speaker 1:Yeah, what that was, that was a.
Speaker 2:Those the most expensive trip we ever took.
Speaker 1:Well, we didn't pay for the. Yeah, everything was covered medically right, yeah, but other than that, like I just did Compton's fight promotion He had, he had a Gilroy high school. That was fun, um.
Speaker 2:It was different. Yeah, I wasn't used to them having something like at a high school.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I mean Yeah, it was like.
Speaker 2:It was good because they didn't have any alcohol there. Yeah and the last one we went to there was like a fight set fight that broke out People throwing alcohol, so it was a good thing that they didn't have any alcohol at this one, but it takes the fun out of it too.
Speaker 1:Like the, i feel like the crowd was. I feel like the crowd gets more like the morale. Yeah, i get, i think, the more cherry when there's a little alcohol thrown in there.
Speaker 2:Yeah, but now when everybody's fighting that's not fun for everybody else.
Speaker 2:Like if people understood and knew how to like handle their alcohol and Oh, believe me or just okay, with an outcome of a fight or something you know what I mean, or the decision, and Not making it more than what, like. Obviously everybody's emotions are highest. Someone wins, someone loses. That one person's happy, one person's not happy. You know what I mean? like, but the one that we went to, the last one that we outdid in Santa Cruz, that one was crazy people during beers They were like fighting, come on.
Speaker 1:I loved it. I was like I can't deal with this. I love this. That was fun, but it was. It was cool, it was, and then it. So I, i saw, i saw ant dog, because the hometown was was for ant dogs MMA and they were the the central coast fighting championship. They highlighted them and I Seen their team, i seen the young guys fight and I seen, I seen the ice. I I've watched them three times.
Speaker 2:Dude, you had one tall can relax.
Speaker 1:And I seen them a few times and I was, you know what, i'm gonna go check out their gym. And so I checked them out and I like it and I I've been going for two weeks now and it's fun. They have a really good team morale and and a bunch of young, young, young MMA fighters Andrew toasty, alan I can't say his last name, salah, nick, but that dude, i see him fight and I was like, oh man, this guy's really really good, just like little things you could watch and and it's just. And then Isaac They're all young, that's cool, and and I want to go check it out. And my buddy, jim, who's young too No, he's a little older, but I get to see them and and And I think I'm gonna start going there full-time. So it's pretty cool, that's good, i'm excited to be be going over there.
Speaker 1:And. And Anthony Figaro I Was, i was actually watching some of his fights and he fought at the Playboy Mansion. I forgot like I You see how far like. When you watch these, these past fights, you see how far MMA has come, right, the way they promote it, the way Yeah like tap out the play.
Speaker 1:They had a fight at the Playboy Mansion like all these old, all like. In the early 2000s it was all about like Blood and action and knock out like you know. It's just like it was so cringy. Now It's. It's like It's the sport like it's. The sport is like the sport. Just The sport sells itself. Yeah right like you see the matchup and you're like, oh, I want to watch that Yeah.
Speaker 2:Yes, i feel like I haven't really watched. Dude, why are you all clammy for? oh my god, like I haven't really watched, like I feel like Right now There's no fighters that I'm interested in, like, oh, let me watch them. Before there was, like a few years ago, we used to watch it a lot, you know, but now I feel like there's not that many that I'm like Oh yeah, i want to see someone so fight, yeah.
Speaker 1:Um, i think like, because you like Brandon Moreno, right mm-hmm. Hasn't fought in a while. I think just your favorite fighters haven't fought or retired like cowboy. So Roni's not fighting anymore.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah, michael Bisbee.
Speaker 1:Michael Bisbee's not fighting. You just need to find the new fighters that you like you know, let's see, let's see. But we went to go see Guardians of Galaxy.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah, that was fun, I cried ah.
Speaker 1:It was, it was, it was sad, but then I cried to throw the whole thing.
Speaker 2:I'm like this, like.
Speaker 1:And You get we. So if you don't want to know what happens, the Guardian Galaxy, turn it off or skip over this. But spoiler alert and So, like these and the, if you watch it, the Rocket the raccoon, his friends died, like it's, it's his origin story. That, basically. It's basically the origin story of rocket raccoon.
Speaker 2:Have how rocket became rock Yeah it's not the Guardians of Galaxy.
Speaker 1:Guardians of Galaxy, it's like rocket raccoons origin story and it's at first is like man. This is so sad, is a good movie. And then, after like thinking about it, talking my buddy Alan and, and I realized I was like why did I watch guard? Why did I start watching Marvel? Why I start watching These comic book movies? was for the action. Uh-huh, there was one good action scene the one where they're, they're at the end no, when they're in the Like the oh.
Speaker 1:Oh I know you're talking about ship or whatever. What were they in when?
Speaker 2:they went to go still like the keypad.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I'm fighting the guards and all that stuff. Okay, that was such a cool action scene But other than that it was like where's the action? Oh, like the first Guardians was awesome. Yeah it's like if I want to watch drama, i'll go watch a drama movie, you know yeah, I.
Speaker 1:I just feel like it's not where the action go. I don't know, i just They did. If it was humans, like, i feel like I feel like you and Eva, if it was humans, that like. If the origin story was of, of, like What's the Star Lord, if it was his origin story where he got captured into like a scientific Scientific experiment and he got, he met his friends in the, in the, in the prison, and then his friends died But he didn't die, i feel like you wouldn't cry as much. We don't really.
Speaker 2:Yes, probably. Yeah, I was definitely it.
Speaker 1:I don't know. It was okay. What I want would I have watched. If I would have known, i Would say I think you would have watched it.
Speaker 2:X-men was worse. I think you would have watched it regardless. If, even if you knew about how it was, i think you still would have watched it.
Speaker 1:I would still rank this over the new Thor.
Speaker 2:You didn't like the God and thunder or no, I like this one Really Yeah. I like both.
Speaker 1:I didn't like them.
Speaker 2:I'm just yeah.
Speaker 1:Maybe because they're not an earth and it's gone so much not believable.
Speaker 2:Obviously it's not believable.
Speaker 1:I want to see them fight on earth. I don't want to see them.
Speaker 2:They did fight on earth. Everybody disappeared.
Speaker 1:I just want to see you just want to see action, that. And then I kind of liked the. I Like the human aspect. I don't like the huge, i like the human. See, i'm a big sci-fi fan, but I don't like the Marvel and Into the gal, like they're going to different dimensions and galaxies. I like the human aspect of superheroes. Does that make sense? But like, i like that There's a human, there's a human aspect to them that they're still human but they've gotten these superpowers.
Speaker 1:I like that I don't like the aliens and the different universes and and I like Iron Man. Who's this? who's a smart guy?
Speaker 1:rich and he's built these things and he has this thing inside his heart and and He's he, but he's still human. Captain America, he's human, but he got these basically steroids and it's making them into the superhuman soldier and, but the same at the same time he's human. He's still in love with this girl that he lost because he's he can't die or He's he lives forever or baby, he lives for a long time and he's still in love with this woman. He still wants to go back in time to go see this girl. Okay, like I, like that. I don't like a fucking raccoon who could talk, or this fucking tree, or this tree like I, it's cool, but I don't relate to it. Like I, I like the Hulk, who's the scientist and he's so he's. He's Super nice and and and smart, but he when he gets angry.
Speaker 1:You know, i like that like I don't like this. You see, don't say I'm not trying to be a hater, i just missed the yeah, you're a hater.
Speaker 2:I didn't, i never read the comics I don't hate her. Oh, whatever, i hear what you're saying.
Speaker 1:I don't know, but it just it was. It was, i guess it was good. But we Recals photo booth. She's been doing bigger events. Yeah, I have so she does a photo booth and She just upgraded it. She's been doing bigger events.
Speaker 2:I did a lot of stuff, a lot, a lot, a lot a lot. Is that it's not just one. Don't do this Oh.
Speaker 1:I just put my hand out. I didn't mean to like like slap you. Okay, what happened?
Speaker 2:anyways, we did a lot. So the photo booth that was doing before was Basically like a selfie booth. It was digital, everything was digital. All I had to do is put the iPad in there, put in the thing, connect the, the printer, connect the wireless thing that reads it and that's it. That was like the only thing I had. Did my designs, i uploaded them, did what I would need it to do. That was it All on my iPad. Now, when we upgraded the iPad stand, this one came. We purchased it because it has a, it could use a camera, and I ended up having to purchase a Microsoft Pro. Yeah, microsoft Pro, i think that was called. I think that's what it's called.
Speaker 1:Yeah, Microsoft Pro a.
Speaker 2:Microsoft Pro. Of what is it pro?
Speaker 1:surface.
Speaker 2:Yeah, surface Pro. There you go, surface Pro because it's, i Guess, so like a computer. I don't know, i don't really like, i'm more of an Apple person. So I had by the surface Pro and Then I had to buy a camera And software and cables, a flash. That's what I purchased, everything that you think you have. I probably purchased it, and I'm one person were, if I don't know, i obviously will YouTube or Google or whatever I need to do to figure it out. Look at things, and This one littered.
Speaker 2:I felt like it took me like two weeks to figure it out, like everything Setting up how I wanted to set it up, setting up the cables, setting up the, the camera. I purchased a camera because I'm not trying to buy expensive stuff, i'm trying to buy things that I'm able to use and then like, build from there. And I purchased a camera and I was like, oh cool, got this camera. It was like $300. It was on sale, perfect, perfect. Well, when I put everything together, nothing was working. If the flash wasn't going off like it, just it wasn't working. So I had to like, fuck, like how the fuck am I gonna figure this out? like it should be cut in pace, put the hot shoot on the camera, connect that to the flash. It should go on, it should flash, everything should work. No, it didn't work. Apparently can and stop making certain cameras with a I Think it's called a pin at the top. So I had to return that. I got a new camera and this one works wonderful. We're actually using it right now.
Speaker 1:We're actually using it right now.
Speaker 2:But, um, then I had to figure out how to connect the printer to the Surface Pro that had down software. It just it. It was a lot more to do But had a way better outcome like picture quality, the digital quality, the print quality, like everything just looks way better.
Speaker 2:It's way better, way better, and I'm really happy because, um, i I raised my prices and I want to be able to offer people good quality stuff. I don't want to be able to. I don't want to offer them basic things Like I'm still gonna use the other one, but that one's just gonna be digital, only no prints coming from. That. Gonna be a selfie booth, people can rent it out and that that's it. I only have one printer anyways, so that works out perfect.
Speaker 2:Yeah and so the only next things we're gonna have to purchase will probably be like another backdrop with like other kinds of designs, and Then after that, i think we pretty much would be set, besides thinking about purchasing another printer to yeah.
Speaker 1:And it's crazy because we're I guess we'll say we're We're slowly building. We're slowly building without Without having to take out a loan, having to take out, like we're investing back into ourselves and we're slowly doing it and we're not having a High overhead, like we're not paying, we're not spending all this money for we're just going as like we get a gig, you pay for this, you like yeah and soon, we're about to have to, and well, no, we do have to no, i'm saying like we're too, that are this like With the backdrop, with the printer, like you know, you mean, oh, and like, well, the other one's just gonna be digital.
Speaker 2:Yeah, no prints from that one at all.
Speaker 1:But it's just cool, like I don't know What's right, like maybe we go into this and just get a loan and buy all the stuff but no The one thing that's cool is like I see my wife learning at all. Like I see just her doing all the technical stuff. People hitting her up that own a photo booth and they're calling her for questions And she doesn't charge them, they just call her and they just they.
Speaker 2:She's like oh, i would just want to help, like it's if I'm able to help, i'll help.
Speaker 1:if I can't, i'll say like this is how what works for me, if It works for you, then that's great, you know and it's just cool seeing seeing her Grow, because I I don't know how I I guess I'll ask the question after, but I don't know. Like I, when I first met you I had this thing was like I like martial arts right. I want to do martial arts. I want to learn martial arts.
Speaker 1:Ever since you know me, i've been trying to learn yeah right and Take the fighting out of it, take the, the coaching out of it. I just wanted to learn already had something I wanted to learn- yeah and I stick with. I stuck with it, i continue to learn, i continue to go to it and when I first met you, you were Still trying to figure yourself out right, and I Think to this day, still trying to figure out what you want to do.
Speaker 2:I think I wanted to do is I want to do like the easiest thing that makes me the most money. If I'm being honest, that's basically it. I want to be able to make money and not have to, not have to work.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:I'm being completely honest. That's it.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:I want to be able to sleep it all day, but it's not easy. That's the thing exactly. It's not easy.
Speaker 1:I think easy is the wrong word. I think self-efficient, being self like self-employed and being your own boss I think that's the word. I don't think I think that's what you want to do. I don't think eat, because it's not gonna be easy.
Speaker 2:No, this is not easy.
Speaker 1:You know how many people I've. I've sorry no one. You know how many people have told me like, oh, i want to do social media stuff, i want to do this, i want to do that. and it's hard to explain to them, like Cool, like do it.
Speaker 1:Yeah right, but it's hard to explain them, like It's not the followers and getting the the people to it's It's not all, like it's not all the social media stuff. That's hard. The hard part is is I think the hardest part is is My buddy just said it He calls it pressing the flesh, pressing the flesh. So if you shake my hand, pressing the flesh okay like person to person contact is the hardest thing like people to make those connections.
Speaker 1:People making those connections and going out there like we do this podcast, we do we do the social media stuff for your photo booth the podcast the podcast gets gets your photo booth out there. The the social media gets your photo booth out there, but the the one thing is Pressing the flesh, going out there and and putting yourself out there, different events and and learning how to connect with people. Yeah that's that's that's the hard part, and And you've learned to do that. It was so hard for you in the beginning.
Speaker 2:It's still kind of hard, to be honest. I'm kind of like I kind of want to just It's not that I don't want people to talk to me, i just I want to just run it and just Have it going. Yeah like, and that's why you're there, because you kind of talk to people. But then I think sometimes you get yourself stuck when you talk to people there.
Speaker 1:Why I say And going back to what we're talking about in the beginning is like that guy talked to me And I was like interested. Yeah that's my problem is that if I'm not interested, i show it.
Speaker 2:You're just. I can't need to be honest.
Speaker 1:No, I know how to talk to people like and people go to just stare at your eyes and stop it and like And like, getting you to say, like I was like dude, like people come up.
Speaker 1:You can't think of it as as like, oh, they're, they're getting a picture, they're happy, they're cool. No, you're, this is what's cool about the photo booth and this is what I love. Or it's like, oh, again, the podcast, the social media, that's good, right, but you're, you're being able to press the flesh, you're being able to do it with everybody taking pictures, right, everybody walking through. At least one out of ten people that take a picture at your photo booth, they're, they're interested in wanting to have a photo booth.
Speaker 1:Yeah so they is. You have to have like a procedure of every time someone comes through, if they even mentioned that, oh, this is a cool photo booth, boom, hey, i, we also do other events too. Like we're looking, we're booking. Now Here's a sheet to fill out. You or you can hit us up on on Instagram, but here's the paper, take it, talk it over, let us know if you are interested.
Speaker 1:Yeah boom, it's just, it's, it's such it like. I'm so, i'm so how do you call it? I'm so, not traumatized, i'm so, it's so cool to me, like I'm like, oh, this is so cool like that that It's built-in marketing, right, like the things that we do like people are, are trying to get people at their doorstep. They're trying to get people the Like to come in and and see what they're about. You literally get have something that people see what you're about already. Yeah, the event you're at so I did these little.
Speaker 2:You won't be able to see it, but just if I put a picture I ran out of business cards. But I also did these two. It's kind of like a, i guess, a customer intake. If someone has a question or what not, and you know, they put their number like what kind of party they're gonna do Their emails, stuff like that, and I can reach back out to them. That way they kind of kind of have Information on what they want. And when I did it We ran out of business cards because I haven't really thought of a business, a business name either.
Speaker 1:I don't have a name you guys.
Speaker 2:So I kind of I I Don't have a name and I don't want to make more business cards. I don't want to make as many as I have before, but I probably should. To be honest, i just been a little. I was supposed to put follow-up and, like this is my area, and they put follow-up text, so I had so much like. I had two people do it on the other day, like they, you know, put their information. I got to reach back out to them But this lady was like oh, you know, my daughter's godmother got her a photo booth for her Game set, but it was like a 360 one, she's like. But I like your eye, your concept, better.
Speaker 2:Yeah and I was like okay, but she's in here like 360 once I gotta reach back out.
Speaker 1:I go around. I feel like.
Speaker 2:I feel like it's gonna hit somebody in the head. To be honest, that I just don't like, the like the movement, like the little bit, the like the it goes not so it goes Authentic to me so it goes fast, but the video is in slow-mo but it's not like, it's not authentic to me. What's authentic.
Speaker 1:Like like mine's not authentic meaning like it's not When you go up to a photo booth or you go to a photo or even think of it, like when somebody's doing a video at a party, mm-hmm, you're being yourself, you're, you're partying, you're doing what you need. You're doing what you do at the party. Okay it's not real to me getting on top of the middle of something and a platform And then having to be excited, you know when you're taking a picture, or a little, a little.
Speaker 1:What's it called boomerang? Yeah, you're in front, you're. You've done this before. The. The model is everywhere. When you go, you do. You've been taking. People have been taking portraits forever at Macy's and you know, yeah.
Speaker 2:May see you mean JC Penney.
Speaker 1:Well, we took ours at Macy's, yeah, but it's something like oh, let's go get a picture as a family, the It just I don't know. I don't know if people agree or if there's someone that really likes the.
Speaker 2:You know, yeah, 360, but I don't know, like I haven't seen one I don't think I've seen one in person. I have seen them like online and stuff. You know Instagram or tiktok or whatnot. But I I do like the, the booth concept. I mean it's you're technically not in a booth or box or whatever, but it still gives you that, that effect. If you want like photo strips and stuff, instead of like a four by six like this.
Speaker 1:You know what I've been loving and doing. You're doing the bigger events and stuff and it's not just like Small little parties.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:It's getting to hang out with you, like I, it's, it's pretty fun. Hmm, and then, like what, the Watsonville one we went to the bar afterwards went to the beer meal and Just hang out with you, by yourself, like by ourselves, like was pretty cool, like I could see us doing this and just having fun with it right, yeah out of all the stuff that we're doing and and I Don't know. It's just fun. It's fun and exciting, all right good times.
Speaker 1:Yeah and Yeah. So how do people? if people want a photo booth, how do people? you can reach me on Instagram, raquel Diaz designs, and Message me there message you and like if they have an event they just book with you.
Speaker 2:Yeah, just reach out. Let ask me if I have that day available. I do have two photo booths now. So, first come, first serve ones. Digital only. It's like a selfie booth. It's like, i Would say, like at least two to three people can fit into that. Obviously, if you wanted more, that'd be fine as well, but that wouldn't be any prints. And then our other photo booth that we have is our new one with the camera and the printer, so you would get that as well.
Speaker 1:All right, guys. I hope you guys enjoyed the the hassle of hair and Hope you guys have a good rest of your week. We will see you next week. I love you guys. Have a great day. Have a good day anything else, anything else you want to say? Sorry to even ask you.
Speaker 2:Nope, if you're looking for a photo booth, reach out. Raquel Diaz designs motherfuckers.
Speaker 1:Peace.
Speaker 2:You don't even talk like that I don't know, oh, okay. Bye guys, that's perfect.